A patent gives its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for sale or importing subject matter that falls within the scope of the patent. To qualify for patent protection, an invention must be novel and must not be an obvious modification of existing technology.
There are three types of patents – Utility, Design and Plant. There are also two types of Utility Patents – Provisional and Nonprovisional.
Prior Art Search Reports
Provisional Patent Applications
Utility Patents
Design Patents
International Patent Protection
PCT applications, submitted to the World Intellectual Property Organization, allow an inventor to protect an invention across the globe. The PCT system is different than the U.S. Patent system and requires special knowledge and skill to adequately preserve you rights in foreign countries. Bennett Intellectual Property has managed international patent portfolios for clients and knows how to best utilize the PCT system. We also have long standing relationships with attorneys all over the world, including Europe, China, Japan, Australia, S. Korea, Indonesia and India. We also know the various procedures available to streamline patenting in multiple countries
Representative Patents